Magic Metallic Doughnuts
Let your creativity run free with these super simple showstopping doughnuts. All you need is a paintbrush, some metallic paint and some icing, and you can create something that looks truly magic! Perfect for Mother’s Day, or any celebration.
Serves 8 people
Top Tips
Why not try using different icing flavours as a base.
We have over twenty shades of metallic paint in the Rainbow Dust range- the colour options for these doughnuts are endless!
Prepare your equipment: greaseproof paper, paintbrush, paint palette.
8 pre-made ring doughnuts
400 g Renshaw Creamy Vanilla Icing
Rainbow Dust Metallic Purple Metallic Paint
Rainbow Dust Pearlescent Cerise Metallic Paint
Rainbow Dust Pearlescent Baby Pink Metallic Paint
Products from us
Decorating your doughnuts:
Step 1
Open the Renshaw Creamy Vanilla Icing, give it a stir, and place into a microwavable bowl.
Step 2
Warm in the microwave for 15 seconds and give it a stir, repeat this process in 15 second intervals until the icing is a runny consistency/ 55 degrees in temperature (usually approx. 45 seconds).
Step 3
Place some greaseproof paper onto your work surface.
Step 4
Take a doughnut and dunk it into the warmed icing to fully cover one side, and place on the greaseproof paper icing side up.
Step 5
Take the Rainbow Dust Metallic Paints and tip a small amount of each into a well on the paint palette. If you don’t have a paint palette you can always use three small bowls, or a large plate.
Step 6
Using your paintbrush, dip into the paint and then flick the paint onto the doughnuts using your finger. If you shake/ whip the brush over the doughnut it will create larger drops of paint and runs on the doughnut, which makes the effect even more striking!
Don’t forget to dip your brush in water after each colour!