Metallic Mirror Shine Cupcakes
Let your creativity run free with these rich and indulgent mirror shine cupcakes.
Makes 12 cupcakes
Top Tips
Be careful not to let the Ganache set, or the metallic paint feathering won’t work as well.
There are over 20 colours of metallic paint in the range, so plenty to choose from- to see the range click here!
Prepare your equipment: cocktail stick
12 Pre made cupcakes
Decorating Ingredients
400 g Renshaw Belgian Chocolate Ganache
Rainbow Dust Metallic Paint Metallic Raspberry
Rainbow Dust Metallic Paint Metallic Gold
Rainbow Dust Metallic Paint Pearlescent Baby Pink
Rainbow Dust Metallic Paint Pearlescent Baby Blue
Rainbow Dust Metallic Paint Pearlescent Lilac
Products from us
Step 1
Remove the lid of the Renshaw Belgian Chocolate Ganache, place loosely on top of the pot, and warm in the microwave following on pack instructions.
Step 2
Remove the pot from the microwave and stir the Ganache with a spoon.
Step 3
Carefully pour the Ganache onto the first cupcake so it covers the top- it will self level so you don’t need to touch it!
Step 4
Take the metallic paint colour of your choice and pour a small amount on top of the Ganache.
Step 5
Use a cocktail stick to feather the metallic paint on top of the cupcake.
Step 6
Repeat the above steps until all your cupcakes are covered. Make sure you do one cupcake at a time to make sure the Ganache doesn’t start setting.