Colourful Easter Cupcakes
These cupcakes are perfect for Easter celebrations.
The cupcakes are quick and easy to make and the decorations have been kept simple so that anyone can give it a go!
Baking Ingredients
175 g self-raising Flour
175 g caster sugar
175 g Stork
3 eggs
1 tbsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
Decorating Ingredients
150 g Stork
350 g icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
2 x 250g Renshaw Tiger Orange Ready to Roll Icing
2 x 250g Renshaw Lincoln Green Ready to Roll Icing
2 x 250g Renshaw Pastel Green Ready to Roll Icing
2 x 250g Renshaw Pastel Yellow Ready to Roll Icing
2 x 250g Renshaw Jet Black Ready to Roll Icing
5 Oreos
1 pack of Mini Eggs
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Step 1
Preheat oven to 170°C/gas mark 4. Line a cupcake tray with 12 cake cases. Weigh out all of the ingredients together in one large bowl. Using an electric mixer, mix the ingredients until a smooth consistency is achieved. Divide the mixture equally between the 12 cases. Place into the preheated oven and leave for 15 – 20 minutes.
Step 2
Take the cakes out of the oven and place on a cooling rack. Leave the cakes to cool, in the meantime, make the icing.
Step 3
Weigh the stork out into a bowl and beat slightly. Gradually add the icing sugar while mixing with an electric mixer. Once all the icing sugar is in add the vanilla paste. Continue mixing until light and fluffy. Leave aside for later use.
Step 4
To create the carrot cake toppers start by kneading the Tiger Orange icing until soft and pliable. Roll small cone shapes and then flatten the top and bottom slightly. Make small indentations around the edges with a cutting wheel tool. Repeat to make four of this size, then repeat these steps with various sizes until you have twelve altogether. Make five small holes in the top of each and then apply a small amount of edible glue. Using the Lincoln Green icing, roll thin strips of the icing and apply to the top of each carrot.
Step 5
Knead the black icing and roll out. Cut some circles out with cookie cutters. Crush the Oreos until fine. Apply a thin layer of glue to the cut out circles and cover with the Oreo crumbs. Next apply some glue to the bottom of each carrot and stick into the Oreos. Set aside to dry.
Step 6
To make the daffodil toppers start by kneading and rolling out the Yellow icing. Cut out 6 petals with a cutter, then using the cutting wheel tool apply some veins to each petal. Place a small amount of glue on each petal and arrange into a flower shape. Carefully place upside down on a cupcake case and leave to dry. This will allow the flower to dry with a more realistic curve to the petals. Repeat these steps four times to create four flowers.
Step 7
To make the centre of the daffodils, roll out a small cone of yellow icing. Using a ball modelling tool work in to the end to make an indentation. Next with the cutting wheel make small marks from the inside out around the edge. Again, repeat this four times. To make a base for the flowers cut out four circles with the Pastel Green icing using a cookie cutter. With the Lincoln Green icing cut out strips of icing and arrange and glue down as a stem and leaves. Stick the dried out daffodil on top of this and then stick the centre on. Set these toppers aside to dry.
Step 8
To make the final topper, cut out a circle of Lincoln Green icing with a cookie cutter. Next push the icing through a sieve to create a grass effect. Apply a layer of glue to the circle of icing and gradually cover with the grass. Repeat this four times. Next cut out flowers of various colours and sizes using flower cutters (the more colourful the better). Using a small amount of edible glue stick a few mini eggs on to each topper and then stick flowers in between. Again, set these toppers aside to dry.
Step 9
Lastly it’s time to decorate the cupcakes!! Take a piping bag and cut off the end. Put a star icing nozzle into the bottom and then fill with the buttercream. Pipe the icing onto the cupcakes into a swirl shape. Place one topper on to each cake as soon as possible while the icing is still soft.
Step 10
Eat any left over mini eggs before anyone else finds them, and enjoy the cupcakes! 🙂